Canada is one of the most multicultural countries in the world. Many Canadians speak more than one language fluently. Based on a Canadian survey in 2016, there are 215 mother tongue languages in Canada. Around 21% speak French, 57% speak English, 22% speak other languages (1.8% speak Mandarin).
French is another official language and it is the second-most commonly spoken language in Canada. It’s not just those in Quebec who spoke only, but there are many communities outside la belle province with large French-speaking populations. That’s why the federal government in Canada ensures it provides services in both official languages at many points of service.
Mandarin is another one and only 6.2 percent of Canadians speak a language other than English or French as their sole home language. Mandarin is most commonly spoken in major metropolitan areas. Only, a fifth of Canadians speaks a mother tongue other than English or French.
Cantonese is also popular in large cities and it is another Chinese language that is commonly spoken in Canada.
Punjabi is the fifth-most common language spoken in Canada. It is the most frequently reported immigrant language in Vancouver, Calgary, and Edmonton.
Overall, the number of Canadians who speak more than one language is growing. Compared 1996 to 2016 census, 17% can speak English-French in 1996, Meanwhile 17.9% people can speak English-French in 2016.
Based on the census 2016, around 98.2% of Canadians can speak both English or French. 2.4 million young Canadians study French or English as a second language. People who enrolling French programs are increasing every year.
The majority of Canadians perceive official languages positively
- 71% of Francophones feel that having two official languages is an important part of what it means to be Canadian (versus 57% of English-speaking Canadians).
- 84% of Francophones think that learning both official languages contributes to a better understanding among Canadians (versus 65% of English-speaking Canadians).
- 57% of English-speaking Canadians think that the Government of Canada is effective in protecting both official languages (versus 39% of Francophones).